Your data

Your data

The data controllers responsible for processing this personal information are RAC Motoring Services and/or RAC Insurance Limited as the insurer of the product and Aviva UK Digital Limited who is responsible for the sale and distribution of the product.

If you have any questions about how we use personal information, or if you want to exercise your rights about your data, please contact our Data Protection Officer by either emailing them at or writing to them at

  • Aviva
  • Pitheavlis
  • Perth
  • PH2 0NH
We will use the information you have given us to decide if we can offer you insurance and to generate a quote for you. We will need to share this information within the Aviva Group and with our reinsurers and other specific third parties for this purpose. See the  Privacy Notice section in the Important Information for the product, for more about how we share your personal data within the Aviva Group.
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