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You can hold your money in cash and choose your investments later. If you want to withdraw money immediately, the amount you want to withdraw needs to be available in your account as cash, with no transactions pending.
Please note, you also need cash to pay for any charges and investments may be sold to cover a charge if cash is not available.
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Each sector contains funds invested in similar assets, potentially spread out across a range of markets. For example, the ABI UK All Companies sector contains funds that invest at least 80% of their assets in equities quoted on the UK stock market.
Sustainable investment funds
Filters list to show funds which are considered to be ESG leaders against criteria set by the team at Aviva Investors.
Fund Managers may take different approaches to ESG investing and may invest based on a number of different factors. It's important that you check the KID/KIID for details on a fund's investment objectives to make sure it matches your requirements and the outcomes you want as an investor.
Fund Managers may obtain sustainability labels for their funds if their funds meet the sustainability label criteria. It's important to understand that the application of a sustainability label is independent to the ESG category applied by the team at Aviva Investors. It's important that you check the details in the Consumer-facing Disclosure document (where supplied) on a fund's investment to make sure it matches your requirements and the outcomes you want as an investor.
Fund information
Fund name and fact sheet
Click on the name of any fund to see the Fund factsheet, for more information about it.
Sustainability Labels
Sustainability Focus
Invests mainly in assets that focus on sustainability for people or the planet.
Sustainability Improvers
Invests mainly in assets that may not be sustainable now, with an aim to improve their sustainability for people or the planet over time.
Sustainability Impact
Invests mainly in solutions to sustainability problems, with an aim to achieve a positive impact for people or the planet.
Sustainability Mixed Goals
Invests mainly in a mix of assets that either focus on sustainability, aim to improve their sustainability over time, or aim to achieve a positive impact for people or the planet.
Non-UK product
This product is based overseas and is not subject to UK sustainable investment labelling and disclosure requirements.
ESG label
Funds considered by Aviva to be the best-in-class at integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when investing.
You'll find a fund's aim, risk level and charges on its Key Information Document (KID) or its Key Investor Information Document (KIID). Read it - it will help you make an informed decision on whether to invest.
A consumer-facing disclosure document will help you understand the key sustainability-related features of an investment product.
Work out how much your fund management fees will cost with the Ongoing Charge Figure (OCF). Remember, this fee is variable, may change over time, and excludes any performance fees or portfolio transaction costs.